The following script revolves around embeddings that correspond to news article titles, corresponding to what I'm going to call news space. We want to know what regions of news space are biased in the direction of left or right. To this end, we look at the news space of CNN (left), Fox News (right), and AP (center).
While I hypothesized that there would be pockets of CNN and Fox heavy regions surrounding every news topic, denoting a left and right spin to everything, what I found was that Fox doubles down on politics, not talking as much about other categories in comparison to CNN and AP.
To understand what I did here, you have to understand what embeddings are. These are 768 dimensional vectors (of numbers) for each news article, make in such a way that articles that are similar to each other in context will be near each other in this embedding space. To read more about this, please go to my article here and go to "Solution 3: Maps."
The following document is very code heavy, you're going to want to scroll all the way to the bottom. There, you will see interactive maps. Just know that points are news article titles. Articles that are similar to each other in context will be physically near to each other on the map. Everything should be self explanatory, save KNN entropy. If this score is low, then that region is heavy in AP or CNN or FoxNews. If it is high, then that region is relatively even between the three news sources.
import pandas as pd
cnn = pd.read_feather('../data/CNN_sentence_embeddings.feather')
fox = pd.read_feather('../data/FoxNews_sentence_embeddings.feather')
ap = pd.read_feather('../data/AP_sentence_embeddings.feather')
# For each df, only the first n sentences are used
num_sentences = 50000
cnn = cnn.iloc[:num_sentences]
fox = fox.iloc[:num_sentences]
ap = ap.iloc[:num_sentences]
# Concatenate all three into a single data frame
df = pd.concat([cnn, fox, ap], ignore_index=True)
from datetime import datetime
# Only take in articles that are some number of days old
df['Date'] = [i.replace('T', ' ') for i in df['Date']]
df['Date'] = [i.replace('Z', '') for i in df['Date']]
df['Date'] = [datetime.strptime(i, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for i in df['Date']]
df['Time_delta'] = [df['Date'][0] - i for i in df['Date']]
df['Time_delta'] = [i.days for i in df['Time_delta']]
df['Date'] = [str(i) for i in df['Date']]
df = df[df['Time_delta'] < 60].reset_index(drop=True)
# Calculate the max time deltas for each news User
max_time_delta = df.groupby('User')['Time_delta'].max().reset_index()
# Tabulate each User
user_tab = df.groupby('User')['Time_delta'].count().reset_index()
User | Time_delta | |
0 | AP | 59 |
1 | CNN | 59 |
2 | FoxNews | 59 |
User | Time_delta | |
0 | AP | 4335 |
1 | CNN | 6003 |
2 | FoxNews | 12246 |
# Randomly sample each User down to the same number of posts of the minum number of posts for a User
min_posts = min(df['User'].value_counts())
df = df.groupby('User').apply(lambda x: x.sample(min_posts)).reset_index(drop=True)
# Calculate the max time deltas for each news User
max_time_delta = df.groupby('User')['Time_delta'].max().reset_index()
# Tabulate each User
user_tab = df.groupby('User')['Time_delta'].count().reset_index()
User | Time_delta | |
0 | AP | 59 |
1 | CNN | 59 |
2 | FoxNews | 59 |
User | Time_delta | |
0 | AP | 4335 |
1 | CNN | 4335 |
2 | FoxNews | 4335 |
# Return only the columns named 0 through 768 (the embedding columns)
em = df.iloc[:, 0:768]
(13005, 768)
What we're going to do is take the manifold of articles and take the K-nearest neighbors of each article in the orignal 768 dimensional space. We're then going to look at what the distribution of CNN, Fox, and AP is for each KNN. Are the pockets of only CNN? Only Fox? Only AP?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from annoy import AnnoyIndex
# Prepare the Annoy index
def build_annoy_index(em, num_trees=10):
num_items, embedding_size = em.shape
t = AnnoyIndex(embedding_size, 'angular')
for i in range(num_items):
t.add_item(i, em.iloc[i, :])
return t
# Get the KNNs for each item in the index
def get_knns_for_all(index, k, num_items):
knns = [index.get_nns_by_item(i, k) for i in range(num_items)]
return knns
# Build Annoy index
annoy_index = build_annoy_index(em)
# Get the KNNs for each item
k = 20
num_items = em.shape[0]
knn = get_knns_for_all(annoy_index, k, num_items)
# Pull out the columns of the df that are NOT in em
df = df.iloc[:, 768:]
# For the indices in question, get the corresponding column called User in df
def get_users_for_knns(knn, df):
return df.iloc[knn, df.columns.get_loc('User')]
# Get the users for each KNN
users = [get_users_for_knns(knn[i], df) for i in range(num_items)]
# Visualize the first 3
[0 AP 2181 AP 281 AP 12833 FoxNews 3722 AP 6051 CNN 8948 FoxNews 694 AP 2451 AP 11763 FoxNews 560 AP 5065 CNN 10942 FoxNews 989 AP 713 AP 662 AP 1247 AP 2084 AP 8966 FoxNews 8976 FoxNews Name: User, dtype: object, 1 AP 4788 CNN 1715 AP 5001 CNN 5825 CNN 7594 CNN 2939 AP 1534 AP 1783 AP 2081 AP 1635 AP 3572 AP 1115 AP 10772 FoxNews 7584 CNN 3140 AP 2442 AP 1697 AP 1671 AP 5888 CNN Name: User, dtype: object, 2 AP 3240 AP 6195 CNN 235 AP 8455 CNN 1315 AP 4145 AP 3374 AP 350 AP 103 AP 4138 AP 1931 AP 1242 AP 1991 AP 5546 CNN 6366 CNN 8221 CNN 3482 AP 7880 CNN 6718 CNN Name: User, dtype: object]
What we're doing below is calculating the Shannon Entropy for each KNN. The idea here is that lower entropy corresponds to KNN that are more one-sided. Eg, for a KNN of 10, 8 CNNs, 1 Fox and 1 AP will have a lower entropy than 4 CNNs, 3 Fox, and 3 AP. We want to know what regions of news space are one-sided and what regions are balanced in terms of the news media outlets in question.
# For each KNN, get the Shannon Entropy of the set of Users
def get_entropy_for_knn(users):
return pd.Series(users).value_counts(normalize=True).apply(lambda p: -p*np.log(p)).sum()
# Get the entropy for each KNN
entropy = [get_entropy_for_knn(users[i]) for i in range(num_items)]
# Add the entropy to the df
df['knn_entropy'] = entropy
In the low-entropy regions, which are primarily CNN, primarily Fox, and primarily AP? To answer this, we create these as features we can color by later.
# Get per-knn fraction CNN or any user
def get_fraction_user_for_knn(users, user='CNN'):
value_counts = users.value_counts(normalize=True)
return value_counts.get(user, 0)
# Get the fraction CNN for each KNN
fraction_cnn = [get_fraction_user_for_knn(users[i], user = 'CNN') for i in range(num_items)]
fraction_fox = [get_fraction_user_for_knn(users[i], user='FoxNews') for i in range(num_items)]
fraction_ap = [get_fraction_user_for_knn(users[i], user='AP') for i in range(num_items)]
# Add each of these to df
df['knn_fraction_cnn'] = fraction_cnn
df['knn_fraction_fox'] = fraction_fox
df['knn_fraction_ap'] = fraction_ap
# Sort dataframe by entropy
df = df.sort_values(by='knn_entropy', ascending=False)
Url | Date | ID | ConversationID | Language | Source | User | Likes | Retweets | Replies | ... | TCooutlinks | RetweetedTweet | QuotedTweet | MentionedUsers | Unnamed: 0 | Time_delta | knn_entropy | knn_fraction_cnn | knn_fraction_fox | knn_fraction_ap | |
5373 | | 2023-02-04 20:30:06 | 1.621969e+18 | 1.621969e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | CNN | 181 | 47 | 41 | ... | [''] | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | 58 | 1.096067 | 0.35 | 0.30 | 0.35 |
3544 | | 2023-02-14 05:39:21 | 1.625369e+18 | 1.625325e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | AP | 246 | 159 | 24 | ... | [''] | NaN | None | None | NaN | 48 | 1.096067 | 0.35 | 0.30 | 0.35 |
4424 | | 2023-03-18 11:45:17 | 1.637058e+18 | 1.637055e+18 | en | <a href=" | CNN | 124 | 29 | 12 | ... | [] | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | 16 | 1.096067 | 0.35 | 0.30 | 0.35 |
11677 | | 2023-04-03 03:00:14 | 1.642724e+18 | 1.642724e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | FoxNews | 46 | 5 | 19 | ... | [''] | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | 0 | 1.096067 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.30 |
3364 | | 2023-03-06 22:45:03 | 1.632875e+18 | 1.632875e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofollo... | AP | 250 | 62 | 23 | ... | [''] | NaN | None | None | NaN | 28 | 1.096067 | 0.35 | 0.30 | 0.35 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5960 | | 2023-03-31 11:30:06 | 1.641765e+18 | 1.641765e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | CNN | 139 | 23 | 18 | ... | [] | NaN | NaN | [User(username='EvaLongoria', id=110827653, di... | NaN | 3 | 0.000000 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
5961 | | 2023-02-14 12:45:06 | 1.625476e+18 | 1.625476e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | CNN | 197 | 44 | 195 | ... | [''] | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | 48 | 0.000000 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
7819 | | 2023-03-20 15:15:05 | 1.637835e+18 | 1.637835e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | CNN | 245 | 49 | 40 | ... | [] | NaN | NaN | [User(username='EvaLongoria', id=110827653, di... | NaN | 14 | 0.000000 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
6764 | | 2023-03-23 17:00:13 | 1.638949e+18 | 1.638949e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | CNN | 298 | 51 | 35 | ... | [] | NaN | NaN | [User(username='EvaLongoria', id=110827653, di... | NaN | 11 | 0.000000 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
7881 | | 2023-04-03 01:30:09 | 1.642701e+18 | 1.642701e+18 | en | <a href="" rel="nofol... | CNN | 207 | 39 | 24 | ... | [] | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | 0 | 0.000000 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
13005 rows × 25 columns
We use UMAP as a visualization tool to see our entropy and fraction-news-media-outlet scores. Note that we don't do the KNN-based computations on the map. We use the original 768 dimensions. This is because UMAP (and dimensionality reduction in general) is lossy: you lose information when you compress your data from 768 dimensions down to 2.
import umap
# Run umap on the embeddings
umap = umap.UMAP(densmap = True, n_components=2, random_state=42).fit_transform(em)
# Name the columns umap1 and umap2
umap = pd.DataFrame(umap, columns=['umap1', 'umap2'])
# Combine with the df
df = pd.concat([df, umap], axis=1)
Below we do a little bit of cleanup to make the visuals easier to navigate. We trim the data so we only look at the last two weeks, though we did the KNN computations on more than that.
# Drop NaN values from Tweet
# df = df.dropna(subset=['Tweet']) It appears that the NAs come from the sort by time-delta
df.Tweet # Debug
5373 On Friday night, a new national record for low... 3544 BREAKING: Police say the suspect in the fatal ... 4424 CNN also identified more than 25 mariners who ... 11677 Melissa Rivers shares do's and don'ts of count... 3364 The war in Ukraine has created a surge in dema... ... 5960 .@EvaLongoria’s culinary journey through Mexic... 5961 Here are 5️⃣ things you need to know today:\n\... 7819 .@EvaLongoria is coming to CNN in the new CNN ... 6764 Can you name a more iconic duo than chocolate ... 7881 Dutch cheese is the secret to this beloved Mex... Name: Tweet, Length: 13005, dtype: object
df['Tweet'] = [i.split('http')[0] for i in df['Tweet']]
df['Tweet'] = df['Tweet'].str.wrap(30)
df['Tweet'] = df['Tweet'].apply(lambda x: x.replace('\n', '<br>')) # bug
We visualize the output using plotly, and interactive graphics library. You can see the article title and other data when you hover over the points of interest.
import as px
# You need this to the plots will visualize in a rendered html page
import as pio
pio.renderers.default = "notebook_connected"
# Do a plotly scatter and color by entropy
fig = px.scatter(df, x='umap1', y='umap2', color='knn_entropy', size_max = 5, hover_data=['User', 'Tweet', 'Likes', 'knn_entropy'])
fig = px.scatter(df, x='umap1', y='umap2', color='User', size_max = 5, hover_data=['User', 'Tweet', 'Likes', 'knn_entropy'])
# Color by fraction CNN, Fox, or AP
fig = px.scatter(df, x='umap1', y='umap2', color='knn_fraction_cnn', size_max = 5, hover_data=['User', 'Tweet', 'Likes', 'knn_entropy'])
fig = px.scatter(df, x='umap1', y='umap2', color='knn_fraction_fox', size_max = 5, hover_data=['User', 'Tweet', 'Likes', 'knn_entropy'])
fig = px.scatter(df, x='umap1', y='umap2', color='knn_fraction_ap', size_max = 5, hover_data=['User', 'Tweet', 'Likes', 'knn_entropy'])